Thursday, June 30, 2011

VINAYAKA GELEYARA BALAGA - Event Promotion Starts at tomorrow 8.30am

Nagendra Prasad, Vijay Raghavendra, Naveena Krishnaa, Meghana Gaonkar and entire team..
of our VINAYAKA GELEYARA BALAGA moving tomorrow 8.30am from DODDA GANAPATI temple. basavanagudi. bangalore. come and wish us. thank u.

VGB - Video Song

VINAYAKA GELEYARA BALAGA - Video Songs Yaarivalee Hudugi - Unni Krishnan, Vani Harikrishnan – This song tops the charts among other songs in the entire film Vinayaka galayera balaga. Music is amazing and the lyrics by Nagendra Prasad are simply awesome. It’s a lovely track and it takes you to an enchanting Bangalore of 80s time. Play back singers Unni Krishnan and Vani Harikrishnan has done a marvelous job - By Bangalorexpo Online Media Portal